Wednesday, May 6, 2015


There was a point in time when I wanted to grow older quickly so I can do adult things like eat ice-cream for dinner or get a perm/tattoo etc.  Kid, so short-sighted!!

I have been thinking a lot over the last few months about what I want to achieve by the time I turn 30. Having pored over the many bucket lists and x-things-to-do-before-turning-x lists online, I wanted a solid list of things that are specific ("travel more" or "get in shape" is so broad) and somewhat doable ("find someone to love" or "change the world" is not really within one's control).  Here it is - check out #project30before30 on my Instagram account @galflower as well:
  1. Complete a 30-day yoga challenge
  2. Unplug for 24 hours
  3. Do a Color Run
  4. Run a 10-km race
  5. Watch the original Star Wars trilogy
  6. Learn to ride a bike
  7. Go whitewater rafting
  8. Donate blood
  9. Learn an hour of code
  10. Visit the Maldives 
  11. Play craps at a casino
  12. Create a happy board
  13. Complete a 30-day shopping ban
  14. Learn to parallel park
  15. Make a perfect Pimm's Cup
  16. Pay off student loans
  17. Cross the Brooklyn Bridge
  18. Swim with dolphins
  19. Watch a netball tournament
  20. See the Northern Lights
  21. Catch the cherry blossoms
  22. Become an organ donor
  23. Make a grilled cheese sandwich inspired by Chef
  24. Learn CPR
  25. Attend a Full Moon Party in Koh Phangan
  26. Update all my beneficiary designations
  27. Play flight roulette
  28. Dine at any 1-star, 2-star, and 3-star Michelin restaurant
  29. Read The Little Prince
  30. Blog about every item on this list!