Monday, November 10, 2014

100 days

I have always prided myself on being adaptable to new environments.  So when I moved to Seattle, I was caught off guard by how the changes impacted me - a few months later.  And moving to Seattle was my choice, a planned decision, and everyone around me was starting a new life somewhere new after business school.

Given that my move to Singapore was somewhat unexpected and my friends stayed where they were, I was more prepared for the changes to impact me this time round. was hard.  

I think there is much to say about the 100-day mark.  The success of political and corporate leaders are measured by the first 100 days.  In some cultures, a baby's 100th-day anniversary is celebrated.  To me, my 100th day in Singapore was when I started to accept that although I did not choose to move to Singapore, I can choose to live my life here.
